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Allied Equipment is a technology company specializing in natural
gas processing.

AEMS implements the latest technology in our natural gas processing solution and gas treating plants.

Our patented technologies and knowhow, based upon 35 years in the industry, are the core of our brand identity. Every AEMS solution is a result of careful review and scrutiny of the best technology fit for maximum optimization to give our customers reliable trouble-free designs.

In the existing fleet of our plants in operation, several are the most reliable and fuel-efficient in the industry. When you want to consider the best process designs available to the market, make sure you consider AEMS solutions.

NGL must be separated into marketable products. AEMS engineers use the most advanced and economical designs for the required fractionation columns. Fluctuations in feedstock quantity and quality are taken into consideration to allow for a wide range of operating parameters. Heat pumped splitters and other innovative solutions are often provided depending on the application.

JT plants are economically designed for gas liquids recovery. These are simple systems to cool the gas to meet a dewpoint specification. JT plants are an economical choice for rich gas applications as, frequently, no residue compression is required. These may be used as a quick solution to gas liquids recovery while a larger plant is being constructed. AEMS employs the use of different technologies to ensure the appropriate level of hydrocarbon dewpoint controlling, such as a JT plant or a MRU plant. Hydrocarbon dewpoint control is critical for transmission pipelines.

While usually provided as part of our gas processing plants, inlet liquid handling has become a significant area of technology specialization, often on a standalone basis. Azota designs and installs slug catchers to exacting specifications for the removal of liquids.

AEMS provide Acid Gas Removal Units. These units ensure thorough removal of acidic components such as CO2, H2S, mercaptans and COS.

Often, large quantities of H2S warrant the installation of a Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) when the H2S cannot be safely disposed of through reinjection into a reservoir well. When reinjection is not available, an SRU may be required to separate the H2S into elemental sulfur, which can then be sold. We recognize that there are many ways to handle elemental sulfur and will help you select the most economical disposal option. AEMS works with the best Sulfur Removal Companies

AEMS provides gas dehydration where required to ensure the water dewpoint specification is met. Glycol dehydration or molecular sieve technology is typically incorporated into the AEMS overall plant design. AEMS will ensure that the appropriate dehydration system, such as a TEG or a mole sieve unit, is chosen for the process

Condensate stabilizers are designed to reduce the vapor pressure of raw liquid condensate from a wellhead or pipeline to “stabilize” the liquid product for storage and sales. Stabilization is typically accomplished by liberating light hydrocarbons (C1 through C4s) in a medium- to low-pressure, reboiled distillation column. The overhead vapor can be utilized as fuel or returned to a plant for further processing. The remaining liquid product (C5+) can be stored or transported as a natural gasoline product or blended with a crude feedstock for further process. Some designs also allow for recovery of a separate Y-Grade NGL product. AEMS can provide single Tower or twin tower stabilizers to meet your requirements.

AEMS Provides

  • Standard or customized designs for 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 and 30,000 bbl/day and can custom designs up to 40,000 bbl/day or higher depending on the customers requirements
  • Standard packages designed for up to 1100 psig feed pressure
  • Systems can produce liquid RVP products from 8-12 psia
  • All packages are completely modularized (Plug & Play) on 1-2 skids, shipped fully assembled with all piping, valves, instrumentation, wiring, and insulation.
  • Optional add-on reflux package will allow for separate Y-Grade NGL recovery


Slug catchers are devices designed to take up variable volumes of liquid that form in pipelines due to liquid holdup from velocity changes or pigging activities. While typically provided at the inlet of our gas processing plants, such liquid handling has become a significant area of technology specialization, often on a standalone basis. Azota designs and installs slug catchers and other liquid handling devices to exacting specifications to meet your liquid removal needs.

  • Vessel type slug catchers are typically implemented when expected slug volumes are relatively small or inlet pressures are low
  • AEMS can design standard or customized designs for 250, up to 1000 barrel capacity vessels depending on your requirement
  • All vessel-type slug catchers are designed to AMSE Section VIII Div 1
  • Optional drain boots can be added for bulk water removal
  • Micron level removal is possible with the addition of internal vane packs or filter elements
  • Harp (or finger) type slug catchers are made of multiple straight runs of pipe (“fingers”) and are usually utilized for high pressure systems or large slug volumes
  • Can be designed to ASME B31.3 or B31.8 Piping codes

AEMS has the capabilities to design and install various types of inlet liquids handling equipment, including

  • Wellhead Separators
  • Test Separators
  • Heater Treaters
  • Filter Separators
  • Filter Coalescers
  • Three Phase Separators
  • And More…

AEMS and it partners both suppliers and contractors are well suited to design and build compressor stations to meet your needs. We work closely with all major compressor and turbine manufacturers to ensure the most appropriate equipment is specified and is consistent with your existing operations. More importantly, we are well able to meet tight deadlines for any time sensitive projects.

With the increasing interest in LNG, we are capable of building modular LNG plants.  Our plants are provided with the required inlet gas treating, molecular sieve dehydration, on a completely integrated basis. AEMS has designed and built LNG Pre-Treatment plants for large LNG companies in the USA.

Power plants using natural gas for power generation have strict requirements for inlet gas.  MS designs and builds pretreatment systems to insure the inlet gas specifications meet OEM requirements.

AEMS works with customers and larger engineering and EPC companies to provide all the gas treating and other processing equipment they request us to build for each cryogenic gas plant to be installed.

AEMS is the leader in revamping existing plants to increase recoveries and reducing fuel usage.  AEMS has modified numerous plants to recoveries while increasing plant processing capacity and efficiency. We have installed new trays in towers and performed plant inspections to solve issues customers were having in their plants.

NGL must be separated into marketable products. AEMS engineers use the most advanced and economical designs for the required fractionation columns. Fluctuations in feedstock quantity and quality are taken into consideration to allow for a wide range of operating parameters. Heat pumped splitters and other innovative solutions are often provided depending on the application.

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JT plants are economically designed for gas liquids recovery. These are simple systems to cool the gas to meet a dewpoint specification. JT plants are an economical choice for rich gas applications as, frequently, no residue compression is required. These may be used as a quick solution to gas liquids recovery while a larger plant is being constructed. AEMS employs the use of different technologies to ensure the appropriate level of hydrocarbon dewpoint controlling, such as a JT plant or a MRU plant. Hydrocarbon dewpoint control is critical for transmission pipelines.

While usually provided as part of our gas processing plants, inlet liquid handling has become a significant area of technology specialization, often on a standalone basis. Azota designs and installs slug catchers to exacting specifications for the removal of liquids.
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Azota provides both standalone Acid Gas Removal Units (AGRU) and units part of a turnkey natural gas processing plant suite. These units ensure thorough removal of acidic components such as CO2, H2S, mercaptans and COS. We are the only designer of split flow, high efficiency amine systems capable of meeting <10 ppm CO2.
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Azota will design and build your acid gas injection system after the required permits are acquired.

Often, large quantities of H2S warrant the installation of a Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) when the H2S cannot be safely disposed of through reinjection into a reservoir well. When reinjection is not available, an SRU may be required to separate the H2S into elemental sulfur, which can then be sold. We recognize that there are many ways to handle elemental sulfur and will help you select the most economical disposal option.

Azota provides gas dehydration where required to ensure the water dewpoint specification is met. Glycol dehydration or molecular sieve technology is typically incorporated into our overall plant design.  We will ensure that the appropriate dehydration system, such as a TEG or a mole sieve unit, is chosen for the process. Azota was the first to offer a TEG dehydration unit integrated with a low temperature, high ethane recovery plant.
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Condensate stabilizers are designed to reduce the vapor pressure of raw liquid condensate from a wellhead or pipeline to “stabilize” the liquid product for storage and sales. Stabilization is typically accomplished by liberating light hydrocarbons (C1 through C4s) in a medium- to low-pressure, reboiled distillation column. The overhead vapor can be utilized as fuel or returned to a plant for further processing. The remaining liquid product (C5+) can be stored or transported as a natural gasoline product or blended with a crude feedstock for further process. Some designs also allow for recovery of a separate Y-Grade NGL product.
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Slug catchers are devices designed to take up variable volumes of liquid that form in pipelines due to liquid holdup from velocity changes or pigging activities. While typically provided at the inlet of our gas processing plants, such liquid handling has become a significant area of technology specialization, often on a standalone basis. Azota designs and installs slug catchers and other liquid handling devices to exacting specifications to meet your liquid removal needs.

  • Vessel type slug catchers are typically implemented when expected slug volumes are relatively small or inlet pressures are low
  • AEMS can design standard or customized designs for 250, up to 1000 barrel capacity vessels depending on your requirement
  • All vessel-type slug catchers are designed to AMSE Section VIII Div 1
  • Optional drain boots can be added for bulk water removal
  • Micron level removal is possible with the addition of internal vane packs or filter elements
  • Harp (or finger) type slug catchers are made of multiple straight runs of pipe (“fingers”) and are usually utilized for high pressure systems or large slug volumes
  • Can be designed to ASME B31.3 or B31.8 Piping codes

AEMS has the capabilities to design and install various types of inlet liquids handling equipment, including

  • Wellhead Separators
  • Test Separators
  • Heater Treaters
  • Filter Separators
  • Filter Coalescers
  • Three Phase Separators
  • And More…

With knowledge and experience building complex gas processing facilities, Azota is well suited to design and build compressor stations to meet your needs. We work closely with all major compressor and turbine manufacturers to ensure the most appropriate equipment is specified and is consistent with your existing operations. More importantly, we are able to meet tight deadlines for time sensitive projects.
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Azota may employ the use of Pressure Swing Adsorption where circumstances warrant its use. Azota’s PSA applications are typically used in helium and hydrogen purification. These are frequently built in conjunction with our NRUs.
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With increasing interest in LNG, we build modular LNG plants. We use both nitrogen expander cycles and mixed refrigerant designs.  Our plants are provided with the required inlet gas treating, molecular sieve dehydration, on a completely integrated basis.

Power plants using natural gas for power generation have strict requirements for inlet gas.  Azota designs pretreatment systems to insure the inlet gas specifications meet OEM requirements.

Azota has a cryogenic plant design for clients requiring an expedited completion date for their natural gas processing plant.  Standard designs may require slight modification depending on the inlet gas composition.  Azota has a small 60 MMSCFD plant design that is completely modular and portable and a 200 MMSCFD standard plant design that can be quickly customized to accommodate inlet gas conditions.
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Azota is the leader in revamping existing plants to increase recoveries and/or reduce fuel usage.  We have modified three plants to reduce compression requirements, increase recoveries while simultaneously increasing plant processing capacity.
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Gas liquid pipelines typically have a maximum oxygenate specification, and generally the culprit is methanol.  Methanol is a common means of hydrate inhibition in many if not most of the North American gathering systems where it performs well and predictably to keep these lines flowing even in the coldest conditions.

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For general information and inquiries, contact the main office number:

Phone: +1-713-204-6536​